Eligible farmers in Northern Ireland can now apply to the 2016 Young Farmers’ Payment/Regional Reserve which have now opened.

Those applicants wishing to apply for the schemes this year must submit their supporting evidence before April 15, 2016, the North’s Department of Agriculture (DARD) has said.

Agriculture Minister, Michelle O’Neill, said that the Young Farmers’ Payment is aimed at providing support for young farmers in their first five years, encouraging a new generation of farmers, and safeguarding the development of a well skilled and professional farming industry.

“Access to the Regional Reserve is important to those commencing their agricultural activities, either as young farmers or as new entrants.

“It provides them the opportunity to obtain entitlements and to have the value of existing entitlements increased to help develop their farming enterprise and ensure the future of the industry.”

Young Farmers and those applying as new entrants to the Regional Reserve need to provide their supporting evidence before April 15, 2016.

“I encourage all who intend to do so, to read the guidance available on the DARD website, collate the evidence you need and provide it on time to reduce the potential for delays at a later stage.”

Minister O’Neill has encouraged applicants to apply via DARD’s online system.

“My message for prospective applicants to the Young Farmers’ Payment and or Regional Reserve is to start early, do it online and finish on time.

“It is important that young farmers applying for the Young Farmers’ Payment for the first time or for applicants to the Regional Reserve, as either a young farmer or new entrant, are familiar with the requirements and provide their information and evidence within this time frame, as well as applying via their Single Application Form.”

1.To receive the Young Farmers’ Payment or a payment based on entitlements established through the Regional Reserve in 2016, you must also complete and submit a 2016 Single Application by May 16 to avoid late claim penalties.

No Single Applications will be accepted after June 10 except in cases of force majeure or exceptional circumstances.

2.You can only apply for a Young Farmers’ Payment if you hold entitlements under the Basic Payment Scheme or have applied, as a young farmer, for an allocation of entitlements from the Regional Reserve.

The Young Farmers’ Payment provides a top-up payment to those farmers who meet the specific Young Farmers’ Payment eligibility conditions.

3.You must:

(i). hold and activate payment entitlements in 2016 under the Basic Payment Scheme, or have applied to the Regional Reserve for entitlements;
(ii). have commenced your business on or after January 1, 2011;
(iii). be the head of the holding;
(iv). be no more than 40 years of age on December 31, 2016 if 2016 is the first year of application to the Basic Payment Scheme; and
(v) . have a Level II qualification or above in agriculture (or related subject containing at least a farm business management module), at the application closing date.

4.If you wish to apply to the Regional Reserve as a young farmer, for an allocation of payment entitlements and/or to have the value of your existing entitlements increased to the regional average value, you must comply with the same eligibility and evidence requirements as those applying for the Young Farmers’ Payment.

5.If you wish to apply to the Regional Reserve as a new entrant, for an allocation of payment entitlements and/or to have the value of your existing entitlements increased to the regional average value, you must meet the eligibility conditions.

You must:

(i). not have commenced your agricultural activity prior to January 1, 2014;
(ii). not have been in control of any agricultural activity in the five years prior to commencing your current business;
(iii). not have taken over an existing agricultural business which was in operation prior to January 1, 2014; and
(iv). have a Level II qualification or above in agriculture (or related subject containing at least a farm business management module), at the application closing date.

6.If you satisfy all the relevant conditions and can provide the evidence listed in the guidance in support of your application and you have not applied successfully previously, you must submit your supporting evidence in person at your local DARD Direct office by April 15 2016.

7.If you are applying to the Regional Reserve as either a young farmer or as a new entrant, and/or for the Young Farmers’ Payment for the first time or had a previous application to either or both schemes rejected you must complete a YFP/RR Form and take it yourself (applicants cannot delegate this to an authorised person), with all the required supporting evidence documents, to your local DARD Direct Office before April 15, 2016.

You must also submit a Single Application by May 16, 2016.

8.If you applied successfully to the Regional Reserve (as either a young farmer or as a new entrant) and / or for the Young Farmers’ Payment in 2015 and are required to provide further supporting evidence i.e. accounts, tax return etc within 14 months of commencing your first year of business you should complete a YFP/RR follow-up information letter and send it along with the required documents to the address shown on the letter.

No further payments will be made until the required documentation is received.

9.If you applied successfully for the Young Farmers’ Payment in 2015, continue to comply with the scheme requirements and are eligible to receive the payment again in 2016 and wish to apply for it you need to ensure you put an ‘X’ in the Yes box in your 2016 Single Application at question 4.

If you do not do this you will not be considered for the Young Farmers’ Payment in 2016.

10.Refer to the guidance booklet at: https://www.dardni.gov.uk/publications/young-farmers-payment-and-regional-reserve-guidance-2016 and use the following as a guide also;

First application to Young Farmers’ Payment/Regional Reserve?

  • Complete YFP/RR form and submit Evidence by April 15, 2016.
  • Complete a Single Application by May 16, 2016.
  • No requirement for follow up information letter and evidence.

Application was unsuccessful in 2015?

  • Complete YFP/RR form and submit Evidence by April 15, 2016.
  • Complete a Single Application by May 16, 2016.
  • No requirement for follow up information letter and evidence.

Application successful in 2015 but further supporting evidence required?

  • Do not complete a YFP/RR form or submit evidence for 2016.
  • Complete a Single Application by May 16, 2016.
  • Follow up information letter and evidence requested.

Application successful in 2015 and no further evidence required?

  • Do not complete a YFP/RR form or submit evidence for 2016.
  • Complete a Single Application by May 16, 2016.
  • No requirement for follow up information letter and evidence.