The main Northern Irish milk processors announced their prices for November supplies in the past couple of weeks; below is a summary of where the Northern Irish industry is at the moment, and how suppliers fared last month in milk cheques.
Dale Farm recently announced that its base milk price for Novemebr is 24.25p/L, plus a 0.3p/L loyalty bonus, as well as a 2p/L winter bonus.
Meanwhile, Strathroy paid out 24.6p/L to its suppliers (30.56c/L including VAT to southern suppliers) last month.
Finally, Lakeland Dairies’ Northern Ireland base price of 24.50p/L was paid for November supplies plus the usual Out-Of-Season payment of 3p/L, which kicked in.
Also Read: Top NI dairy advisor calls for move to milk solids based pricing
Commenting on the price, a Lakeland Dairies spokesperson said:
“The global dairy market has remained steady over the past number of weeks. Demand for products remains a challenge in some areas but there have been signs of stability in recent weeks, particularly for powders.
As we approach 2020, the fundamentals in the dairy markets are reasonable with demand stable.
“Lakeland Dairies will continue to monitor the market situation closely over the coming weeks,” the cooperative spokesperson concluded.