The Veteinrary Medicines Directorate (VMD) has issued a recall notice for all in-date batches of Kexxtone 32.4g continuous-release intraruminal devices for cattle with immediate effect.

Image: VMD

This recall for the Kexxtone product is going to veterinarian/pharmacy level.

The reason for the recall is due to a quality defect which has resulted in cases where cattle regurgitated the device while it still contained monensin tablets.

This resulted in an increased risk of accidental exposure in non-target species (dogs) and potential lack of efficacy in cattle.

Replacement stock of this product is not available to order at this time.

Those that have this product on prescription are asked to speak to their veterinarian about returning the product.


The VMD has asked that veterinarians immedatiely perform the following actions:

  • Quarantine any in-date units of this product which they have in their possession;
  • For pharmacists only, please check dispensing records and identify prescribers of the product and forward them a copy of the DaHPC;
  • If they have supplied any other veterinarian, pharmacy, clinic or other such establishment with units of this product, to provide them with a copy of the recall letter and DaHPC, and request they quarantine and return unsold stock;
  • Contact the wholesaler from which they purchased the stock to arrange for the return of all quarantined units. The last date that stock can be accepted back for credit is August 22, 2024.

Wholesalers are asked to quarantine any units of this product which they have in their possession.

A separate recall letter has been issued to veterinarians and pharmacists requesting them to return stock to the wholesaler from whom it was sourced.

Wholesalers are asked to quarantine stock received back from their customers.

They are also asked to email Elanco customer service at [email protected] to arrange uplift of quarantined stock.

The last date that stock will be accepted back for credit is four weeks from today’s date (Tuesday, July 30).

If the wholesaler has supplied any in-date batches of the impacted product to any other wholesalers, they are asked to provide those wholesalers a copy of the recall letter, requesting that they quarantine and return any unsold quantities of the product to them.