First gene-edited crop trials on conventional farms in UK
Europe’s first gene-edited wheat and barley crop trials to be held on conventional farms, will soon get underway in the...
Europe’s first gene-edited wheat and barley crop trials to be held on conventional farms, will soon get underway in the...
Among the updates and innovations announced by Grimme earlier this month, there was news of an overhaul of the Matrix...
With ground conditions reasonably good, the drilling of winter oilseed rape crops is expected to get underway next week. Aiding...
At a recent launch in Germany, Grimme presented the EVO 280, a two-row potato bunker-harvester featuring new MultiCrop intake. This...
The very wet conditions that have impacted across many countries this summer have combined to deliver the smallest feed wheat...
The winter oilseed rape (OSR) and barley harvest is almost completed across most of Northern Ireland, according to Christopher Gill,...
Livestock farmers in the UK are being urged by the Agriculture and Horticulture Development Board (AHDB) to be familiar with...
East Co. Down cereal grower, Allan Chambers, is confirming a yield of 4.8t/ac from the first of his 2024 winter...
The benchmark for world food commodity prices was unchanged in June, as increases in international quotations for vegetable oils, sugar...
The Department of Agriculture, Food and the Marine (DAFM) has granted two temporary herbicide licences for dock control purposes in...
Agritechnica 2023 saw New Holland launch its new flagship CR11 combine harvester which has now been joined by a slightly...
The Agricultural and Horticultural Development Board (AHDB) has confirmed that winter wheat crops are in a very poor state across...
Approximately 35% of the 2024 maincrop potato area has now been planted out, according to Wilson’s Country agronomist, Stuart Meredith....
The 2024 spring planting and grass-cutting season is now well underway in the south Antrim area, according to one agricultural...
Hi-tech optical sensors in fields could provide an effective means of monitoring beetle numbers arriving in oilseed rape fields, according...
Wet weather conditions in north-west Europe, especially Ireland and parts of the UK, negatively affected the yield potential of crops...
The Irish potato industry looks set to enter a new era of blight management as it approaches the 2024 growing...
Azole fungicides are becoming less effective in the fight against phoma leaf spot and stem canker in crops of oilseed...