TB risk: Restaurant-style ratings for farms?
A Northern Ireland pedigree society has written to the chief veterinary officer asking that a tiered approach is taken towards...
A Northern Ireland pedigree society has written to the chief veterinary officer asking that a tiered approach is taken towards...
A Northern Ireland pedigree society has written to the chief veterinary officer asking that a tiered approach is taken towards...
Official statistics show the bovine TB situation in Northern Ireland is worsening – the herd incidence rate in the region...
Official statistics show the bovine TB situation in Northern Ireland is worsening – the herd incidence rate in the region...
Maintaining of the status quo over the next 40 years would cost Northern Ireland an estimated £1,055 million (€1,189.8 million)...
Maintaining of the status quo over the next 40 years would cost Northern Ireland an estimated £1,055 million (€1,189.8 million)...
New TB quangos – including TBEP – are expected to cost Northern Ireland up to £20,000 a year, according to...
New TB quangos – including TBEP – are expected to cost Northern Ireland up to £20,000 a year, according to...
Pioneering vet Dick Sibley thought he would have been lauded after he managed to clear a chronically infected herd of...
Pioneering vet Dick Sibley thought he would have been lauded after he managed to clear a chronically infected herd of...
Pioneering TB vet Dick Sibley introduces himself with a disclaimer: “Anything other than an approved test is a criminal offence...
Pioneering TB vet Dick Sibley introduces himself with a disclaimer: “Anything other than an approved test is a criminal offence...
Farmers at an Ulster Farmers’ Union (UFU) meeting held earlier this week said they felt appalled that badgers were being...
Farmers at an Ulster Farmers’ Union (UFU) meeting held earlier this week said they felt appalled that badgers were being...
Pedigree breeders in the North say they feel they are being punished over TB because of “government failure”. Asking farmers...
Pedigree breeders in the North say they feel they are being punished over TB because of “government failure”. Asking farmers...
Proposals for an industry-led TB levy could raise up to £4.8 million a year if the maximum £3 per animal...
Proposals for an industry-led TB levy could raise up to £4.8 million a year if the maximum £3 per animal...