Straw in demand in Canada…price rises by 200%
Reporting from Ontario, Canada. It seems demand for straw is across the water as well as at home. Straw in...
Reporting from Ontario, Canada. It seems demand for straw is across the water as well as at home. Straw in...
Silage, straw and hay prices have soared as northern buyer demand for fodder remains high following the wet winter. Silage...
Silage, straw and hay prices have soared as northern buyer demand for fodder remains high following the wet winter. Silage...
As we start the New Year straw prices continue to remain strong with 4X4 round bales making close to €20/bale...
The straw market has hardened as prices average between €18-20/bale nationwide, according to a spokesperson for the Irish Grain Growers...
Round bales (4X4) of straw can cost the same as a bale of hay or silage in some parts of...
Straw prices in the west have increased to as high as €25/bale recently, and even higher in some areas. A...
High demand for straw has seen the price remain high, with 4×4 round bales selling between €8-18/bale depending on location....