Importer: Straw and hay should be sold on a weight basis
Selling straw and hay on a per bale basis does not convey to farmer customers the full details of what...
Selling straw and hay on a per bale basis does not convey to farmer customers the full details of what...
East Co. Down cereal grower, Allan Chambers, is confirming a yield of 4.8t/ac from the first of his 2024 winter...
There is now evidence to confirm the significant impact of soil potash levels and straw strength within cereal crops. Of...
Three key things are needed to aid rumen development in calves during the rearing period: water, concentrates and a source...
The cleaning out of a calf shed is vital in order to maintain growth performance and health in your calves...
A bridge in London has a bale of straw suspended over the river Thames as a measure to warn those...
Co. Down agronomist Richard Owens has confirmed that the winter barley harvest in Northern Ireland is complete with many growers...
First noticed four years ago, pink straw at harvest has again been identified at a number of grain field sites...
With harvest approaching, College of Agriculture, Food and Rural Enterprise (CAFRE) tillage specialists have highlighted the options available to cereal...
In May, Case brought to the world’s attention the various upgrades it had made to its basic variable chamber baler...
Increasing numbers of dairy farmers in Northern Ireland seem committed to growing their own acreages of wheat and barley. But...
Reporting from Ontario, Canada. It seems demand for straw is across the water as well as at home. Straw in...
An eagle-eyed AgriLand reader came across this video (see below) recently. What caught his eye was the way in which a haulier...
Baling straw in February isn’t the norm. However, many tillage farmers were wrapping up the 2017 harvest at the weekend....
The harvesting of winter barley was coming to an end on Murragh Farm in Oldtown, Co. Dublin earlier this week. The...
Just 20km north of the capital, Derek Keeling and his father Derek senior farm 350ha in Oldtown, Co. Dublin. Derek...
As we start the New Year straw prices continue to remain strong with 4X4 round bales making close to €20/bale...
The straw market has hardened as prices average between €18-20/bale nationwide, according to a spokesperson for the Irish Grain Growers...