Identifying paddocks for early spring reseed & clover incorporation
It is crucial that farmers begin walking their paddocks and reviewing the annual tonnage of each paddock on their farms...
It is crucial that farmers begin walking their paddocks and reviewing the annual tonnage of each paddock on their farms...
Where paddocks have been reseeded this autumn, getting a good reseed establishment is essential to the success of the job....
Autumn reseeding is still the preferred option on the majority of farms across the country as the pressure for grass...
Although we had a very wet spring, a number of farmers were still able to get their paddocks reseeded. A...
Late autumn / early winter is a good time to develop a plan to improve or maintain herbage production on...
On dairy farms, improving sward productivity is important, with good quality grass remaining the key to profitable milk production. Grass...
“I went up on the Tuesday morning to check them and give them a bit of grass and all I...
Reseeding by over sowing is an ideal method to maintain the quality of silage and grazing swards, according to Damian...
Paddocks with a low proportion of perennial ryegrass are costing farmers up to €300/ha per year due to a loss of grass...
Withdrawal of agrochemicals used widely to control common pests of new grass reseeds should not hamper livestock farmers’ ability to...
Very few farmers have planned to reseed as part of their dairy expansion plans, according to Ulster Bank, which is...
“Plant breeders are continually striving to produce improved grass varieties while weeds and weed grasses are continually invading existing swards....