AHDB's recommended list for cereals and oilseeds 2023/24 now online
The Agriculture and Horticulture Development Board (AHDB) has published the online edition of the recommended lists for cereals and oilseeds...
The Agriculture and Horticulture Development Board (AHDB) has published the online edition of the recommended lists for cereals and oilseeds...
The Agriculture and Horticulture Development Board (AHDB) is reporting that most winter oat varieties performed well in the organisation’s 2021/2022...
Teagasc Oak Park is to host a ‘Healthy Oats’ trials visit for growers and industry stakeholders on Wednesday of this...
The latest Tillage Edge podcast from Teagasc features a reflection on the year that was 2021 from UK-based farm manager,...
Crop production estimates for the main cereal options and potatoes grown in Northern Ireland have been published for 2021, by...
As part of its sustainability vision for the future, Northern Ireland, Co. Armagh-based White’s Oats, has unveiled a full sweep...
Plant breeders at the Institute of Biological, Environmental and Rural Sciences (IBERS) in Wales are confirming a growing demand for...
Researchers in Ireland and Wales have been awarded €2.7 million to explore the development of oat varieties that are climate-resistant...
Dairy farmers in the US state of Wisconsin are being encouraged to sow winter oats in early August and then...
Glanbia recently got some excellent drone footage of the gluten-free oat harvest. According to Rob O’Keeffe of Glanbia the gluten-free...
Spring beans work tremendously well as a break within a tillage rotation, according to Irish rugby star Rory Best. The...
Winter wheat crops are approaching their flag leaf spray, David Leahy Agronomist with Glanbia says. This year programmes have been...
Although down 14% from last year, the 2014 UK oat crop is still 20% above the average for 2008-2012, according...
According to the Home Grown Cereals Authority’s Early Bird Survey of UK tillage farmers’ planting intentions for 2015, a reduction...