Preventing lameness through grazing infrastructure
Good grazing infrastructure plays a vital role in grazing management on farms. As well as that, a well designed farm...
Good grazing infrastructure plays a vital role in grazing management on farms. As well as that, a well designed farm...
A major industry project is looking to boost both the profitability and environmental credentials of beef farms in Wales by...
Fertility and herd health traits continue to improve in UK dairy herds, according to the latest Key Performance Indicator report...
Sexed straws now account for 80% of AI Services (Northern Ireland) Ltd's dairy semen sales. The company's breeding services manager,...
At this stage, farmers will be putting a plan in place for the upcoming breeding season in order to achieve...
The tough fodder conditions facing many Irish farmers are expected to lead to an increase in abortions in livestock this...
Before sending a ram out for the breeding season, he must be given a check-up to make sure he is in full working...
Irish dairy farmers must strive to improve grassland output and utilisation in 2016, according to Livestock Improvement Corporation (LIC) advisor...
Some pedigree cattle breeders are overfeeding young bulls to the detriment of the animals’ subsequent fertility, according to Galway veterinarian...
Increasing the number of dairy cows is expensive and can be a significant drain on cash in a fledgling dairy...
Around 90% of herd fertility is management related and less than 10% heritability in breeding fertility from one generation of...
Scientists in New Zealand have discovered a genetic variation which is one of the causes of dairy cows being empty...
The Teagasc/GIIL monitor farms in 2013 underlined the importance of fertility both in terms of the cows and the soil. Agriland...