Sheep farmers must ensure ewes have sufficient minerals pre-tupping
Sheep farmers are being encouraged to ensure their ewes’ diets have been supplemented with the right minerals for the most...
Sheep farmers are being encouraged to ensure their ewes’ diets have been supplemented with the right minerals for the most...
Ceva Animal Health has announced that the enzootic abortion of ewes (EAE) vaccine, CevacÒ Chlamydia, will not be available as...
An event hosted by the Agriculture and Horticulture Development Board (AHDB) will discuss late stage ewe pregnancy and rationing. The...
The four-day Balmoral Show format has worked for Co. Down Blonde breeder William McElroy. But there is an almost equal...
A two-year old Southdown ewe in New Zealand has given birth to healthy quadruplet lambs – a rarity in the...
Traditionally, St Patrick’s week is the peak time for lambing and Teagasc recently reported that ewes have scanned well this year with...
Texel sheep producers should not use bluestone in foot baths, according to independent veterinary consultant Dr Fiona Lovett. Speaking at...
New research funded by EBLEX into the genetics of ewe longevity could benefit the sheep industry on the back of...
New research funded by EBLEX into the genetics of ewe longevity could benefit the sheep industry on the back of...