European Parliament votes in favour of glyphosate - 7 year extension granted
The European Parliament has voted to renew glyphosate for a further seven years, following a meeting of MEPs in Luxembourg...
The European Parliament has voted to renew glyphosate for a further seven years, following a meeting of MEPs in Luxembourg...
The use of existing antimicrobial drugs should be restricted and new ones should be developed, Environment and Public Health Committee...
The European Commission has adopted two Genetically Modified Organisms (GMOs) for food or feed uses, despite MEPs from the European...
This week, a three-week conciliation period starts with the aim of reaching a deal between the Council and the European Parliament...
A draft EU law that would enable any EU Member State to restrict or prohibit the sale and use of...
Ireland hasn’t much to gain from going down the genetically modified organism (GMO) route, according to Fine Gael MEP, Sean...
A draft EU law that would enable any Member State to restrict or prohibit the sale and use of EU-approved...
A draft EU law that would enable any member state to restrict or prohibit the sale and use of EU-approved...
Today, (Tuesday) September 8 MEPs voted yes on amendments to a European Commission proposal to ban the cloning of farm animals...
The EU must bring more balance into the supply chain, introduce better tools against market disturbances and help dairy farmers...
The European Parliament and the Council of the EU reached a provisional agreement on the outstanding issues concerning the proposal...
Members of the European Agriculture Committee have asked to scrap the European Commission’s plans to set new binding reduction targets...
The European Parliament’s agriculture committee is fully aware of dairy farmers’ deep concerns regarding their prospects for 2015 and beyond,...
The European Parliament has ruled that Member States should be allowed to determine their own stance on the cultivation of...
Food companies face the challenge of consumers not willing to pay a premium for high standards, a new report has...
“Today’s farmers are new Renaissance men: they must possess the right mix of science, economics, entrepreneurialism, and environmental awareness to...
An Ulster Farmers’ Union (UFU) delegation was in Brussels this week to participate in the COPA Cogeca Congress of European...
Ireland’s European commissioner-designate Phil Hogan won the support of over 70% of the European Parliament’s agriculture committee to become the...