Has heifer mastitis been an issue on your farm?
Calving down and heifer mastitis, or in some scenarios, having a blind quarter, can be a massive issue on farms....
Calving down and heifer mastitis, or in some scenarios, having a blind quarter, can be a massive issue on farms....
As we are now in the month of December, many cows around the country are dried off at this point...
Grouping cows when housed this winter, will allow for better management and ensure that they are in the correct body...
Many spring-calving dairy farmers have – or should have – begun to dry-off cows; however, usually during this time of...
“50% of all clinical mastitis cases, in the first 100 days of the next lactation, can be linked back to...
Drying off is a key time for mastitis control on dairy farms, as it can influence the mastitis level in...
To ignore, or significantly shorten, the dry period could have a detrimental effect on the productivity of the herd in...