What are the cost benefits of feeding milk replacer vs whole milk
At this time of the year, farmers often move from feeding whole milk to feeding milk replacer, in order to...
At this time of the year, farmers often move from feeding whole milk to feeding milk replacer, in order to...
Cornish farmer Andrea Semmens has won the inaugural Calf Rearer of the Year Award at this year’s National Youngstock Conference...
Calf sheds on many farms now full and the bacterial load inside them is quite high, which means that calves...
As calf sheds begin to fill on farms this spring, pneumonia can begin to become an issue on many dairy...
Calves on many farms are now old enough to transition to once-a-day (OAD) feeding, which can reduce the workload considerably...
During the calving rearing period, there is an increased risk of disease or sickness, with scour being the biggest risk...
Early identification of sick calves is key to getting them treatment and preventing the spread to other calves in the...
Occasionally, abomasal bloat will be an issue on farms – with clostridium bacteria or lactic acid usually to blame for...
Three key things are needed to aid rumen development in calves during the rearing period: water, concentrates and a source...
The cleaning out of a calf shed is vital in order to maintain growth performance and health in your calves...
Rumen development is a vital part of the development of young calves, and should begin from day one. Young calves...
Calves will be arriving on farms in the coming weeks, meaning it is now time to ensure that you are...
Continued monitoring of your heifer calves is vital to ensure that growth targets are achieved ahead of breeding next year....
AgriSearch and the Agri-Food and Biosciences Institute (AFBI) have published a new calf housing design guide. This is an outcome...
The use of calf jackets on dairy farms during the spring has become increasingly more popular, but do they have...
The autumn-calving season will be getting underway on many dairy farms in the coming days and weeks. With the calving...
On a recent Volac 'Feeding For Future' webinar, Dr. Jessica Cooke spoke about maximising calf performance by increasing milk intakes...
According to Scotland-based research scientist, Jamie Robertson, much more can be done to improve the cleanliness and hygiene standards of...