Defra: Calf housing and welfare grant now open for applications
The Department for Environment, Food and Rural Affairs’ (Defra’s) calf housing and welfare grant is now open for applications. Grants...
The Department for Environment, Food and Rural Affairs’ (Defra’s) calf housing and welfare grant is now open for applications. Grants...
The use of calf jackets on dairy farms during the spring has become increasingly more popular, but do they have...
Calf housing facilities are an important part of any dairy farm, with below-par facilities leading to increased sickness among calves....
Scour is the biggest killer of calves on farms under one-month-of-age and with calves arriving thick and fast onto autumn-calving...
Pneumonia and scour are the main illnesses that are experienced by young calves, with pneumonia being the most common cause...
Rotavirus is the most common cause of calf scour, which usually affects calves when they are between five and 14...
During a recent Volac webinar on the dairy heifer – from conception to weaning – it was outlined the importance...
The calving season is a busy time of year on farms, as calves on many farms are now being born...
Pneumonia in calves is the result of a complex interaction between viral and bacterial pathogens, environmental stress factors and the...
The calving season will soon be starting and with that comes the feeding of calves. A well-fed calf is better...
Johne’s disease is a bacterial disease of cattle and other ruminants for which there is currently no cure. Johne’s is...
“If you looked at defining welfare on farms, you would hear things like freedom from hunger, freedom from discomfort, those...
“If you looked at defining welfare on farms, you would hear things like freedom from hunger, freedom from discomfort, those...
The best practice for rearing Hereford cross beef calves from the dairy herd is to feature at a calf health event which...
For infectious abortions, the interval between infection of the dam and abortion can be weeks, according to Animal Health Ireland (AHI)....
Always include the bull when vaccinating breeding animals, Animal Heath Ireland (AHI) says. The bull has contact with all breeding females...
Planning ahead to manage worm burden challenges will help to ensure farmers reap the economic benefit of targeting heifers to...