A new generation of clover-friendly herbicides will become commercially available over the coming years, according to Corteva Agriscience.

These will be based on two specific chemistries: Rinskor and Arylex. Both are auxin mimicking molecules.

The investment on the part of Corteva reflects the growing use of clover-containing swards for dairy, beef and sheep production across the UK and Ireland.

The first of the new herbicides ProClova XL was recently launched in Northern Ireland; the active chemistry in this case is Rinskor.

This follows-on from the launch of ProClova in the Republic of Ireland 12 months earlier.

A number of additional herbicides, all clover-friendly, can be expected from Corteva in the very near future. All will contain a mix of Rinskor and Arylex.


ProClova is unique from a UK perspective given the fact that it has been registered in combination with its own, bespoke XL adjuvant.

It can be used to tackle annual and perennial weeds in both newly established and older swards.

The launch event saw a clear focus placed on the reasons why weed control of all grass swards is important in the first place.

These include: enhanced productivity levels; better use of fertiliser; and the fact that healthy, weed-free swards are better placed to ward off new weed infestations.

Corteva has said that first year ProClova sales in the Republic of Ireland were encouraging with 60% of this throughput used to deliver weed control in newly established swards.

ProClova can be used on swards containing white and red clover. However, the timing of application should be slightly delayed, where red clover containing swards are concerned.  

It is reportedly effective in tackling docks within newly established swards, if the previous ley had been treated with glyphosate.

It has taken Corteva over a decade to develop and subsequently register ProClova.  The company commits $1.3 billion to research and product development on an annual basis.

Additional assessments will take place to independently verify the use of ProClova as an effective herbicide for use on herbal leys. The product must be applied using 3D drift reduction nozzles.

The activity of the new herbicide is temperature dependent. It should only be used when night time temperatures are 8°C three days before and three days after its intended application date.