Wiltshire Police’s rural crime team is urging farmers and those living in rural areas to lock their farmyard gates at night to deter “drive through thieves”.

The team said the past four weeks has seen a number of trailer and horse box thefts from rural properties along with power tools and quad bikes being stolen.

Crime prevention is “one of the most important thing” farmers can do to help reduce their chance of becoming a victim of theft, the team said.

Along with locking gates into farmyards, Wiltshire rural crime team said those in rural areas should also lock the door into outbuildings and farmhouses.

Other tips include:

  • Fit CCTV and flood lights activated by passive infrared sensors;
  • Ensure alarms are working and properly maintained;
  • Use signage stating CCTV is present or alarm systems in place;
  • Don’t leave keys in farm machinery;
  • Keep keys in a secure cabinet after working hours;
  • Lock tools and other machinery securely away after use;
  • Consider using a steering wheel lock on vehicles;
  • Using a hitch-lock on a trailer is cheaper than replacing the whole trailer.

The rural crime team also recommended that farmers record the serial numbers and take pictures of more expected kit, especially unusual marks caused by wear and tear.

“This makes it easier to ID if is stolen and recovered,” the team said.

Farmers are also urged to use a security marking system on power tools, machinery and/or GPS systems.

Trackers are recommended for quads/ATVs and farmers are also encouraged to set a procedure or provide guidance for farm workers to follow should they see an unknown person or vehicle on the farm estate.

Wiltshire rural crime team said joining a local farm watch or rural watch group can ensure farmers stay updated about local rural crime trends and suspicious sightings.