22 of Northern Ireland’s livestock marts will host a major funding initiative on behalf of the ‘Life Beyond’ programme during the week commencing Monday, September 23.

The participating marts will host specific auctions of donated items – all with a value of £100 and above- during the normal livestock sales held that week.

Farmers and others in attendance at these events can also contribute by helping to fill Life Beyond charity buckets with much needed cash.

The following week will see Mart Eye, in association with Rural Support, hosting a timed internet auction of items donated by the farming and rural industries to Life Beyond.

Again, all proceeds will help fund a service that is now recognised as being of critical importance to recently bereaved farming families and those living in rural areas.

Life Beyond

Life Beyond was formally stablished in August 2021. It was immediately selected as the charity that so characterised the Ulster Farmers’ Union (UFU) presidency of Victor Chestnutt.

He was subsequently appointed to the Life Beyond steering group. The programmes itself is delivered by Rural Support.

The north Antrim farmer commented:

“It takes £150,000 to run the Life Beyond service on an annual basis, and all of this money must be secured on the back of voluntary donations.

“No government or statutory funding is available. I am delighted that the livestock markets have come on board to help the cause of Life Beyond in such a proactive manner.

“But more than this, our upcoming campaign gives farmers and those involved in the farming sectors to directly support a service which delivers real help to farming and other families in rural area at a time of their greatest need.”

Chestnutt is passionate about Life Beyond and the support it brings to farming families affected by loss in Northern Ireland.

The programme was specifically developed to address both the practical and emotional needs following such loss.

It is a joint initiative with Embrace FARM offering emotional support through counselling and practical guidance to those in need through farm business mentoring, completely free of charge and within the comfort of their own homes. 

“I am fully aware of the invaluable work carried out under the auspices of the Life Beyond programme and the real difference this has made to s many farming families right across Northern Ireland.

“So, I would heartily encourage everyone to get behind our new funding campaign, which gets underway later this month,” Chestnutt stressed.