LacPatrick co-op has decided to cut its milk price to 25.25c/L for January supplies of milk, down from the 26.00c/L paid in December.
However, the co-op has also introduced a 3c/L no condition bonus which keeps it topped up, a spokesperson for the co-op said.
Meanwhile, earlier this week Kerry Group held its milk price for January at 25.00c/L.
The majority of co-ops held their price for January milk supplies.
Aurivo co-op has held its milk price at 25c/L, the same price it has held for the last several months. Earlier this week, the Board of Dairygold met and also decided to hold its milk price for January supplies of milk at 25.5c/L.
It followed Glanbia in holding its milk price for January. Glanbia announced earlier this week that it will hold its milk price for member supplies at 25c/L including VAT.
This price is also inclusive of a 1c/L Glanbia Co-Operative Society support payment to its members.
Glanbia Ingredients Ireland (GII) also announced that it has set a January market price of 24c/L including VAT for manufacturing milk at 3.6% fat and 3.3% protein.
The Board of Glanbia Co-operative Society has decided to pay members that have signed an MSA a bonus of 1c/L (including VAT) for January manufacturing and liquid milk supplies.
Meanwhile last week, the Board of Lakeland Dairies met and cut its January milk price for base supplies from 26.25c/L to 25.5c/L.
If a lactose bonus (0.28c) is applicable, the milk price would be 28.78c/L including VAT. Lakeland Dairies had held its milk price for December supplies of milk.