Krone is now building approximately 320 BiG X self-propelled forage harvesters each year at its factory in Spelle, Germany.
The total global market for self-propelled forage harvesters (of all makes/brands) is now believed to be in the region of 3,000 machines per year. That means that Krone claims to have a global market share of well over 10%. That’s significant, given that its BiG X project is less than two decades old.
The figures were revealed at a special Krone event in Scotland this week, in which the company showcased the latest developments to enhance its foragers’ performance – specifically when tackling grass silage.
Claas is still the top-selling manufacturer of self-propelled forage harvesters around the globe. John Deere is also a significant contender worldwide.
However, it’s believed that Krone’s current production output – circa 320 machines per year – is now similar to (or even higher than) New Holland.
Moreover, it appears that the Spelle-headquartered company is building its worldwide market share; it remains to be seen how New Holland’s market share will evolve over time.
Out of the estimated global market (for self-propelled forage harvesters of all makes/brands) of circa 3,000 machines per year, it’s believed that upwards of 300 of these are built by manufacturers such as Rostselmash (one of which is pictured below) and Gomselmash.
Rostselmash is based in Russia. Gomselmash – a competing manufacturer – is headquartered in the Republic of Belarus.
In any case, stay tuned to AgriLand over the coming days for further details of Krone’s recent and ongoing updates to its foragers.