What has been described as a world-record paid has been paid at the British Limousin Cattle Society’s annual May bull sale, which took place at Borderway Mart in Carlisle, on Saturday (May 7).
Gerwyn Jones was a first-time vendor at the sale but was described by the society as “no stranger to the breed”. His bull Graiggoch Rambo drew an incredible level of interest and sold for a record breaking 180,000gns.
The high-price honour had previously been held by the bull Trueman Jagger, who sold in 2015 for 140,000gns.
According to the society, this ‘world-record price’ was the highlight of “a remarkable sale”, which saw an overall average price of £10,651, up by £2,348 on 2021.

The society caught up with Gerwyn Jones after the sale, who said: “The events of the weekend are only just sinking in.
“After working with experienced breeders for a long time, I knew Rambo was something special, which was confirmed by the interest and offers received at home prior to the sale.
“Due to the attention he was attracting, I was concerned it may deter under bidders – thankfully, this was not the case. I am delighted that my first pedigree-registered Limousin has sold so amazingly well.”
Prior to the sale, Rambo was described by judge Patrick Greaney of the Whiskey Limousin herd as the best bull he had ever seen.
He said: “I slept well the night before the judging, but I didn’t sleep well once I had seen him. I knew an incredible sale would be coming.”
The bull was purchased in a two-way syndicate by Messrs Jenkinson of the Whinfellpark herd and Boden and Davies Ltd. of the Sportsman’s herd.
Commenting on behalf of the partnership, Iain Scott, farm manager at Whinfellpark said: “This is possibly the best bull we have ever seen offered for sale at Carlisle.
“His breeding line is exceptional. He has width, depth of muscle, as well as being correct on his feet and legs.
“With all the previous attributes, he still retains his breed character through his head. Rambo will be going straight to stud to have semen taken.”
On Friday (May 6), at the pre-sale show, Graiggoch Rambo had been placed as intermediate and overall champion.
His breeding goes back to some classic bloodlines of Broadmeadows Cannon, Broadmeadows Ainsi, Ronick Gains and Wilodge Vantastic. He is a November 2020-born bull by Ampertaine Elgin out of Sarkley Glorianne.
The bull’s intriguing back story begins when Gerwyn Jones was offered the opportunity to flush a cow to a bull of his choice as a thank you for work carried out in the Sarkley herd of EH Pennie and Son, Powys.
One embryo implanted from this flush resulted in Graiggoch Rambo.
As the saying goes, ‘perhaps a small deed, by sincere intention, is made great’, and there can surely be no better example.