The Farming Community Network (FCN) has launched a ‘Greenzone Checklist’ for farmers around a wide array of topics relating to business, health, forward-planning and community connections.

The checklist aims to help farmers and farm businesses review some of the common components of business and personal resilience – helping them to identify strengths and highlight areas where additional information or support may be beneficial.

The FCN’s FarmWell website, launched in 2019, provides supplementary information relating to the points raised in the checklist.

FCN chief executive, Dr Jude McCann, said: “Since launch, FarmWell has supported thousands of farmers in exploring their options and planning ahead.

“We are delighted to now be launching the Greenzone Checklist through FarmWell, which is an easy-to-use way of assessing what’s going well on the farm, and areas that might be beneficial to explore further.

“This is part of FCN’s proactive work to support farmers’ health, wellbeing and business resilience and to help people to explore their options.”

FCN chair, Mark Suthern, said: “FCN’s new resilience checklist will help farmers and farm businesses to review a wide range of both business and personal resilience components – helping them to identify strengths, as well as to highlight areas where additional information can be accessed.

“It also provides a wide range of resources to help people to access further guidance and support.”

A farmer who utilised the checklist with their family members said: “What a fantastic tool that puts you back on track with a list of things you can to do to alleviate a lot of stress. It’s a well-oiled key to unlock a sometimes very rusty and stubborn box.”