A council in Northern Ireland has successfully prosecuted a dog owner for the second time for offences relating to “livestock attacking and worrying”.

Mid Ulster District Council took legal proceedings against the individual specifically for “permitting a dog to stray, permitting a dog to be on land where livestock were present, being the keeper of a dog which worries or attacks livestock and contravening of control conditions attached to a dog licence”.

Dungannon Departmental Court, sitting at Dungannon Courthouse, heard that the defendant’s dog reportedly left their property and worried and attacked farm animals on neighbouring land.

“These attacks resulted in significant distress to livestock and financial loss to the farmer,” Mid Ulster District Council stated.

Livestock worrying

The council also highlighted that farm animal worrying can have serious consequences “including injury, miscarriage in pregnant ewes, and in some cases, the death of the animal- sometimes days after the attack due to stress or injury”.

The District Judge (on Monday, February 10)  ordered the dog owner to pay £850 in fines, £182 towards council legal costs, compensation of £500 to the owner, and a £15 court order levy.

Mid Ulster District Council is urging all dog owners to take “responsibility for their pets” and ensure that they are kept under control, particularly near farmland.

It has warned that even a loose dog that does not physically attack other animals can cause “severe distress”.

Kyle Black, chair of the council’s development committee, has also appealed to dog owners to be vigilant about where their dogs are at all times.

“Livestock worrying is a serious offence with real consequences, not only for farmers but also for dog owners who could face legal action, substantial fines and even the destruction of their dog.

“We strongly urge all dog owners to keep their pets secure and under control at all times, especially when near fields with livestock,” Black added.

The council has also emphasised that it will continue to take “enforcement action where necessary to protect livestock and ensure responsible dog ownership”.