Derbyshire Police has said its new police tractor will be used as an engagement tool at local shows and events this summer.

The force said its rural crime team’s “baa-rilliant” new tool has been loaned to it by local dealership B&b Tractors.

Sgt Chris Wilkinson of Derbyshire Police said: “Whilst the tractor won’t be ploughing through streets on a police chase, or transporting people to ‘cow-study’, it’s already been a huge hit for the summer shows.

“This gives us the opportunity to talk to members of the farming and countryside community about how to protect their properties and how we can help.

“We’ve also been talking to the general public about respecting their surroundings and keeping safe whilst out and about.

“If you spot the tractor whilst you’re out and about, please come over and say hello.”

Devon & Cornwall Police tractor

Last month, Devon & Cornwall Police revealed the winner of its tractor naming competition to be ‘Inspector Moors’.

The force launched the competition last month, offering children living in Devon, Cornwall and the Isles of Scilly the opportunity to name the tractor.

Almost 300 entries were received from children aged 12 or under, and the winning name was submitted by seven-year-old Eloise Bettison.

The John Deere tractor, now formally known as Inspector Moors, was loaned to Devon & Cornwall Police by local agricultural machinery dealership, Masons Kings.

It will be used as an engagement tool by the force’s rural affairs team at agricultural shows and events across the region this summer.

Bettison, along with her family, was invited to Woofstock Festival to officially unveil the new name, after assistant chief constable Glen Mayhew selected it as the winner.

She said that she “thought it would be good for the tractor to inspect the moors”, leading her to choose the name.