By Chris McCullough

Taking on a tenant farm is a huge challenge in itself, but for new entrant farmers to take it on and convert to a dairy unit takes a lot of courage and determination.

And that’s exactly the true grit Andrew and Suzanne Jardine, both 38, have shown as they now run just over 100 Jersey cows on Newfarm, part of the Applegirth Estate at Moffat in Scotland.

It has been a fast learning curve for the duo and their two children Howie, 12, and Tilly, 10, who are now half way through their 10-year lease.

Andrew Jardine, with wife Suzanne, son Howie, 12 and daughter Tilly, 10.

Tenant farm

The logistics and infrastructure of the farm have certainly changed since the Jardines took on the tenancy in August 2019, when they started off with only one heifer and no buildings.

Andrew Jardine said: “The farm is part of the Crown Estate Scotland and extends to 242ac. It was in a fairly dilapidated condition when we took it on with no dairy facilities at all.

“We started the foundations of the dairy during the Covid-19 lockdown in early 2020, and purchased 32 bulling heifers from Denmark to start building a herd. 

“The only things we had available were 32 1970s cubicles and a 90,000gal slurry tower. A second-hand Fullwood DeLaval hybrid parlour that had been replaced by robots on a farm 30 miles away was purchased along with a bulk tank from another farm that had been sold. 

Andrew Jardine who has started dairying on the once bare tenant farm

“In order to keep our costs low, I worked off farm a lot with the builder to gain credit with him so he would come and construct the parlour without money changing hands,” Andrew added.

Dairy herd

In June 2021 the first heifer calved at Newfarm and that was the foundation for the Applegarth Jersey herd that Andrew has established today.   

Andrew continued: “Our current cow numbers total 104 milking and three dry. We have about 45 bulling heifers this year and 65 heifer calves to serve next winter.

“I prefer the Jersey breed due to their high milk solids, being lighter cows for grazing and generally just liking them. We milk record with NMR and our annual average is sitting at 7,545kg, at 5.8% butterfat and 4.16% protein, and a SCC [somatic cell count] of 63.

“Our rolling 12-month caving index is 389 and the cows are milked twice per day. One of our recent highlights was winning second prize for the highest yielding Jersey in Scotland that records with NMR. 

“Cow 291 was one of our original Danish bulling heifers that we bought and has given us three heifer calves. She has held three times to first sexed semen service and is yielding 8,248kg at 7.37% butterfat and 4.77% protein, with a [comparable farm profit] CFP of 1,001kg.”

Andrew’s goal is to breed cows with good depth and width, with plenty of power in their chest, and good feet.

Andrew likes the Jersey breed due to their higher milk solids.

The herd has been based on both Danish and North American genetics but he has been using the latter predominantly across the herd for the past two seasons.

His future plans include genomic testing of all the calves to match them with the best genetics to breed from.

Andrew said: “Cows are all run in one herd for ease of management and shed arrangements, plus calving them all between August and February. 

“We tend to feed the cows very well over the winter when fresh, hoping to increase fertility. When April and May comes we can start grazing and reduce the concentrates with hopefully all cows in calf. 

“All cows receive two or three goes of sexed semen first and this year an Angus bull will be turned out in April to tidy up,” he said.

Family farm

Andrew is the only full-time worker on the farm and uses three relief milkers to allow him extra time with his young family.

Cows are milked in a hybrid Fullwood DeLaval 10/20 swingover parlour

“It is an area I need to address,” he said. “I am doing too many hours and spending my evenings sleeping on the sofa, which is not very fair on the family. Hopefully next winter we will be in a position to take on someone else full-time.”

Andrew joined First Milk in June 2023 and is currently receiving around 48p/L for combined solids just over 10%.

He said: “Cows receive 2kg of a 20% blend in the wagon and the biggest milkers get up to 10kg in the parlour per day.

“We use an 18% protein concentrate, but can switch between starch-based or fibre-based depending on the type of silage we are using at the time. 

“Our silage is all made into round bales, as there is no silage clamp here yet. Last year we took four cuts, aiming for a fifth, but wet weather spoiled the party so I just grazed it with lambs.

Andrew has just over 100 cows currently milking on the farm

“I like using technology, however starting from scratch as new entrants we are very limited as to what we can afford just now. We started using Uniform for the cow management two years ago, and we added a Lely Discovery slurry collector,” he added.

Future plans for the tenant farm

Next winter Andrew hopes to buy Cow Manager ear tags for health and fertility monitoring. The estate is currently building the Jardines a new calf shed and would like to install a computerised calf feeder in it.

Andrew has plenty of plans for the farm in the future including expansion, but finding extra land to do so could be difficult.

He said: “I believe this farm could run in excess of 200 milkers if the youngstock are reared off farm. Currently all heifers, from weaning up to bulling, winter in sheds we rent five miles down the road.

There are over 40 bulling heifers on the farm this year

“I would like to add silage pits as soon as possible and we have just completed building a one million gallon slurry lagoon with help from a Scottish government AECS grant and from the Estate. 

“The opportunity to gain more land here can be an issue for us due to uncertainty in the Scottish tenanted sector. We hope to overcome this by building and growing good relationships with anyone we rent from.”

Funding the entire venture has been challenging for the Jardines as they have had to buy stock and also build a parlour, tank house, feed bin and install 100 new cubicles and mattresses.