The UK Dairy Day 2023 judging panel for the coloured breed classes, which includes Dairy Shorthorn, Guernsey and Jersey classes, has been finalised.

Gwyndaf James has been chosen by the Dairy Shorthorn Society to judge the Dairy Shorthorn class.

Colin Christophers has been selected as the Guernsey class judge by the Guernsey Cattle Society and John Waller has been chosen to judge this year’s Jersey classes.

Speaking on the chosen judges and their roles, UK Dairy Day cattle show manger and chief steward Lynden Bustard said: “Last year’s UK Dairy Day saw a fantastic display of the six breeds; I have no doubt this year will be even better.

“The cattle show gives breeders the opportunity to showcase their cows in a competitive environment under the professional eye of the judges.

“UK Dairy Day gives UK genetics a global marketing platform through livestreaming and great social media coverage.”

UK Dairy Day, a dairy trade event for the dairy industry and its farmers, will take place at the International Centre in Telford on September 13, this year.

The full cattle schedule will be released in June with the stall booking deadline being Friday, August 4.

Coloured breed judges

Dairy Shorthorn

James has been selected to judge the Dairy Shorthorn class and will travel to UK Dairy Day 2023 from Ceredigion.

He has been involved in agriculture since leaving school to work on his family farm with a herd of Dairy Shorthorns and Holstein Friesians.

James has been a member of the Shorthorn Society and on its breed council for over 25 years. He has been on the judging panels since 1993, attendings many local and county shows.

He has been the judge of the All Breeds All Britain (ABAB) Calf Show twice, but says that one of his judging highlights has been that of the World Conference Show in 2010 at the Highland Show.


Christophers, who runs a 300ac Cornwall Council farm with a herd of 300 with 170 milking cows and followers, has been selected to judge the Guernsey classes.

A recent on-farm investment from Christophers, who runs the Rosehill Ayrshire herd, has seen a new slurry system installed, collecting and converting methane from the herd to power tractors, vehicles and generators.

The Rosehill Ayrshire herd has won the Royal Show with Rosehill Black Velour.

Christophers has judged at events all over the UK, including at Balmoral, Co. Antrim in Northern Ireland.


Waller will judge this year’s Jersey classes and he will travel from Cumbria to UK Dairy Day 2023.

Waller farms in partnership with his father Robert on a pedigree dairy and sheep farm of 400ac in Killington, between Sedbergh and Kirkby Lonsdale.

The family-run farm features 100 Holsteins and 60 Jerseys under the Killington prefix, and 400 commercial sheep.

The Waller family has found success at their local shows and Waller has judged Jerseys at shows across England.

He is the current secretary and a previous chair of the Lakes Counties Jersey Club.