A large scale dairy farm in Co. Down has been brought to the market by Savills with a guide price of £6,500,000 (€7,696,481).
Island Dairies Farm is located at 170 Lurgan Road, Dromore, Co. Down, on land extending to around 180ac (75ha).
Its dairy complex comprises a 32:32 DeLaval rapid-exit parlour with cubicle accommodation for over 600 cows and heifers, seven silage clamps and slurry storage for over 4 million gallons.
Island Dairies Farm is carrying an in-hand herd of 600 mostly registered Holstein dairy cows, plus followers.
Four Lely robotic milking units, which are excluded from the sale but can be purchased through separate negotiation, also support the dairy operation.

“The farm includes a range of modern farm buildings centred around a milk processing plant,” Savills said.
“Island Dairies Farm presents one of the finest opportunities in recent years to acquire both an extensive and productive farm in Co. Down, which is well-served with residential accommodation and an extremely well equipped modern dairy complex.”
Island Dairies Farm also includes a country farmhouse and a partially restored mansion house.
Island Dairies Farm
Savills said a significant advantage of Island Dairies is the quality and extent of its farmland, which lies in a ring-fenced block and includes approximately 165ac of ploughable grass.
The land benefits from excellent infrastructure, including good access via public roads, a network of internal tracks, fencing and a reliable water supply.
It also features about 8ac of mature woods which provide additional amenity and shelter.
The herd of nearly 600 cows is milked twice daily (at a rate of approximately 150 cows/hour), with milk supplied under contract to Lakeland Dairies.
Calving takes place all year round and replacement heifers are bred on the farm, while beef calves are sold. An AI breeding programme is used.
Typically, five cuts of silage are taken annually with silage work and slurry spreading carried out in-hand.
The herd is typically turned out to grass between May and September. The current herd is producing about 12,000L of milk/cow/annum.