Unite the Union has said strikes by the workers of a CNH Industrial tractor factory in Basildon will continue throughout the month, stating that the company “will not get away with its broken pay promises”.

The trade union accused the New Holland tractor manufacturer of time wasting in the negotiations with over 500 workers.

The workers took 10 days of strike action in May in response to CNH breaking an agreement signed in 2022 that pay increases would be calculated by the average rate of inflation over the previous year, the union said.

Image: Unite the Union

Instead, the union said CNH has offered a 4% increase for 2024, rather than the 7.4% it should have done.

Unite general secretary Sharon Graham said: “CNH will not get away with its broken pay promises.

“It is making massive profits and the only reason the company is reneging on the deal is out and out corporate greed.

“No amount of double-dealing or attempts to undermine the strikes will work, CNH Basildon workforce will not back down and they have the full power of Unite supporting them.”

Strike action will take place today (Tuesday, June 4), as well as June 5, 6, 11, 12, 12, 18, 19, 20, 25, 26 and 27.

Unite the Union said the strike action will “severely compromise” the supply of New Holland tractors from the factory.

Pay strikes

Unite said CNH Group profits are forecast to stay high for the next three years and that its chief executive, Scott Wine, received a total compensation package of £19 million in 2022.

This, the trade union said, is 310 times the pay of the average worker at CNH Group.

“CNH Industrial has said it has a revised offer but is refusing to table it unless Unite agrees to recommend the as yet unseen deal to its members,” it said.

“The ploy is the latest attempt to undermine the strike action by CNH. It has also targeted Unite workplace reps by switching their shift times and roles as well as reducing hours for other staff.”

Unite regional officer Michelle Cook said: “CNH’s duplicity, time-wasting and attempts at strike breaking have not only failed, they have also strengthened our members resolve and resulted in even more workers joining the union.

“There is only one way that this dispute will be settled and that is for CNH to put forward an acceptable offer.”

CNH response

A CNH Industrial spokesperson has said that the company is in negotiations with the Unite trade union representing employees at its manufacturing site in Basildon, Essex.

“Following a ballot of its members, the union has informed the company that the workforce has voted in favour of both Industrial Action Short of Strike Action and for Strike Action,” the spokesperson said.

“The union has also informed the company of the dates on which it intends to hold strikes.

“The company is disappointed that the parties were unable to reach an agreement and that the Unite Union has decided on this course of action.”

The spokesperson said CNH Industrial recognises the union’s decision creates “high anxiety” among its represented employees in Basildon, as well as its other employees, customers and community.

“During this period, we foresee no disruption to tractor supply,” they said.

“The company remains committed to reaching an agreement, and we are keen to work with the union to resolve this situation in a timely manner.

“We will continue to negotiate in good faith and trust that the union will do the same.”