The cattle trade remains relatively unchanged from previous weeks as farmers return to the ring following last weeks Ploughing.
The numbers coming forward for sale decreased during the week as farmers flocked in their thousands to Ratheniska, but according to the Mart Managers both farmers and buyers have returned for the weekend sales.
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The trade remained strong in Ennis Mart on Thursday according to the Mart Manager Martin McNamara, who said that the store steers had increased slightly on previous weeks.
According to McNamara, the prices paid for these lots ranged from €1.60-2.60/kg. The plainer steers sold from €2/kg, the Friesian type lots made €1.60-1.80/kg while the hammer fell on the better quality continental lots at €2.00-2.57/kg.
McNamara added that the heifer trade remained similar to previous weeks, light heifers made €2.00-2.60/kg while the heavier lots sold for €2.00-2.57/kg.
The trade for cull cows also remained strong, feeder type friesian lots sold for €1.00-1.50/kg, while similar continental types made €1.30-1.70/kg, said McNamara, who added that the fleshier lots made €1.80-2.15/kg.
There was also a good trade in Tullow Mart on Friday according to Mart Manager Eric Driver.
According to Driver, beef steers are holding well despite reduced factory quotes with the best of these lots selling for €1,000 over or €2.62/kg.
There was also an honest trade for the lighter store steers and heifers due to the increased presence of autumn finishers around the ring.
But the Mart Manager added that the good weather has slowed the throughput of these lots as farmers are in no rush to sell.
The plainer type British Friesian and early maturing Angus and Hereford animals sold from €2.00-2.20/kg while the better quality R grade continental lots sold to a tops of €2.80/kg.
The lighter type stores weighing 300-400kg made from €800-1,200 or €2.29-3.00/kg, said Driver.
Cull cows were also a little easier in the Carlow venue on Friday with these lots selling from €200-800 over.
Macroom Mart also had a good trade of cattle on Saturday according to the Mart’s representative Tim McSweeney.
According to McSweeney, forward beef steers sold from €250-622 over. The lighter Friesian type steers made €1.69-1.84/kg with the hammer falling on the better quality continental types at €2.09-2.30/kg.
There was also a good trade for heifers and these lots sold from €240-600 over or €2.00-2.33/kg, said McSweeney.
The cull cow trade remained relatively strong, he said, with these lots selling €65-650 over, while the better quality continental cows generally sold from €1.65-1.79/kg.
Templemore Mart had a much smaller entry of cattle on Thursday due to the Ploughing Championships with 120 lots on offer, according to the Mart Manager John O’Sullivan.
According to O’Sullivan, the trade remained firm Friesian type steers sold to a tops of €1.97/kg, while the Angus and Hereford lots sold from €1.84-2.18/kg.
The good trade was also mirroered in the prices achieved for heifers weighing 400-500kg with these lots selling from €2.08-2.49/kg for the Angus and Hereford type lots.