Two new herbicides for grassland farmers
Dow AgroSciences has launched two new grassland herbicides for farmers in Ireland to use this spring. Leystar is designed to...
Dow AgroSciences has launched two new grassland herbicides for farmers in Ireland to use this spring. Leystar is designed to...
The growing influence of the EU’s Sustainable Use Directive will force many grassland farmers to use contractors for most –...
Timothy should not be overlooked as a species of grass that can be included in seed mixes under Irish conditions,”...
Over rolling high moisture grass in-silo serves only to significantly reduce silage quality, according to Sil-All’s global product manager Gordon...
There has been plenty of discussion around fertiliser application in January and it is not a once size fits all...
Grass growth in the North last year was up 21% compared with the 2007-2015 long term average, according to figures from...
North of the border most herds are now fully housed or on their last few days at grass. With frosty...
Swards that were grazed prior to being closed off are producing silage of a significantly higher quality than those which...
Today, October 13, represents the first ever Global Fertiliser Day to celebrate the important role fertiliser has played and will...
As we enter into the second week of closing, the effect of grazing heavier covers becomes apparent; cows are working...
As autumn draws in, there is plenty of planning to do for the remainder of the grazing season and indeed...
First cut silage analysis results are giving significant cause for concern, according to Gerard Butler, a director of Cappoquin-based FBA...
Grass measuring is a vital tool used on many Irish farms and at some stage or another some farmers have...
August is a critical month for building grass covers as it is the last month when growth rates outstrip herd...
Reseeding by over sowing is an ideal method to maintain the quality of silage and grazing swards, according to Damian...
Silage bales are an expensive commodity therefore protecting them should be a priority for farmers, according to Caitriona Mullin, North...
Paddocks with a low proportion of perennial ryegrass are costing farmers up to €300/ha per year due to a loss of grass...
In recent years there has been a steady decline in soil pH on Irish farms and currently close to 60%...