Gap widens in UK between farmgate and retail price for beef
UK beef producers received a smaller share of the average retail price in May than they did in January of...
UK beef producers received a smaller share of the average retail price in May than they did in January of...
Post-mortem results for in the UK shows that wire in the gut is one of the main causes of suckler...
Last week the beef heifer price differential between Northern Ireland and the Republic narrowed to 35.5c/kg, the latest Livestock and...
The national beef kill fell 15% last week on the same week last year as the anticipated tightening in Irish...
Supplies of finished cattle to beef factories are set to be very tight this week, according to the IFA’s latest...
The continued weakness of the value of the euro relative to Sterling has continued to support an increase the number...
The differential in steer prices in Ireland and Northern Ireland last week was 36.3p/kg (51c/kg), according to the Livestock and...
Latest data coming from the UK suggests that cattle numbers will tighten over the summer mirroring the situation in Ireland....
The Agri-Food and Biosciences Institute (AFBI) has launched a major new suckler beef research project involving 1000 breeding cattle on...
China has lifted a three-year ban on Brazilian beef imports into the country. The Chinese Premier Li Keqiang is on a...
The proposed free trade agreement between the US and Europe (TTIP) should allow for the export of hormone treated beef...
Little change was reported in the cattle trade last week with some tightening in supplies reported, according to Bord Bia....
Imports of beef to the UK were up 1,900t in March, compared with the same month in 2014, to 23,200t, according to...
Meat factories have been accused this week of driving winter beef finishers into loss-making territory with their latest moves on prices,...
Unsurprisingly with cattle prices nearing 2014 lows, concerns about the evolution of prime cattle prices in the UK are continuing. According...
Bovine meat production is anticipated to rise by 1.7% in 2015 in the EU, according to the Food and Agricultural...
Some 60% of the measures that farmers can take currently to reduce greenhouse gas emissions will either make the business money...
Some 60% of the measures that farmers can take currently to reduce greenhouse gas emissions will either make the business money...