How do you assess your grass covers?
Marking a scale of heights against cover values on a well-used pair of wellingtons is the easiest way to measure...
Marking a scale of heights against cover values on a well-used pair of wellingtons is the easiest way to measure...
Farmers must do everything they can to reduce stress levels for young stock at housing, according to Galway Veterinarian Liam...
Farmers in the west of Ireland, particularly those farming around the Burren, have seen some benefits to out-wintering store cattle,...
The Irish beef industry is only one or two decisions away from being completely dominated by mega-processors, Fianna Fail Spokesperson on Food,...
Dairy farmers are looking to increase cash flow in the spring time by getting the most value for their calves...
The Copag Co-operative is one of the largest in Morocco, consisting of a number of different enterprises including a 7,000...
Prospects for EU exports of meat to Hong Kong have been given a boost this week following an agreement on...
Farmers have alternative options to straw when it comes to bedding livestock this winter, according to Agricultural Consultant Jimmie Forbes....
In the second half of October there has been 143 new outbreaks of Bluetongue disease in France reported to the World...
Ken Gill began to make the transition from conventional suckler-to-beef farming to organic production two years ago. Since then he...
The trade for Irish organic beef has come under pressure since the UK public decided to leave the European Union,...
The forecast of a significant silage shortfall in the west over the coming winter months has prompted feed compounders in...
There appears to be a push by South American countries to promote and sell beef sourced from Angus carcasses. At...
Ireland’s meat processors have come out in support of the trade deal between the EU and Canada, CETA, and believe...
ABP Food Group, the company owned by Larry Goodman, has acquired a third beef processing plant in Poland. In March,...
Under transport legislation livestock must be fit for an intended journey before the journey starts and the livestock must also...
There is a worrying level of beef being imported from Botswana in Africa, which is unlikely to meet Northern Irish...
There has been a significant increase in the number of young bull slaughterings in Northern Irish this year, according to...