Arable production may fall by 4 million tonnes this year due to weather
Analysis from the Energy and Climate Intelligence Unit (ECIU) has estimated that the production of wheat, barley, oats and oilseed...
Analysis from the Energy and Climate Intelligence Unit (ECIU) has estimated that the production of wheat, barley, oats and oilseed...
There is now evidence to confirm the significant impact of soil potash levels and straw strength within cereal crops. Of...
Case IH is intending to return to Cereals 2024 on June 11-12 with a new stand that will showcase not...
Hi-tech optical sensors in fields could provide an effective means of monitoring beetle numbers arriving in oilseed rape fields, according...
UK Flour Millers’ first annual review has revealed that UK flour milling businesses generate a combined annual turnover of £2...
Wet weather conditions in north-west Europe, especially Ireland and parts of the UK, negatively affected the yield potential of crops...
9ac of standing crop was “well alight” during a fire in the Nailsbourne area near Taunton, Somerset, over the weekend....
Growers are being urged to prioritise cost-effective early control of yellow rust, which is “lurking in wheat”, according to Syngenta....
A study co-authored by scientists at UNDO has found that enhanced rock weathering contributed to a 9.3-20.5% higher crop yield...
A study conducted by the University of Oxford has concluded that bats can be “valuable allies” for farmers by feeding...
College of Agriculture Food and Rural Enterprises (CAFRE) crops specialist, Leigh McClean highlighted a number of priorities for arable farmers...
A ban on glyphosate could lead to an increase in weed abundance and a decrease in the yields of some...
The latest UK crop update from the Agricultural and Horticultural Development Board (AHDB) paints a very downbeat perspective regarding the...
The National Farmers’ Union (NFU) is seeking “forward-thinking” English and Welsh arable growers to join its combinable crops board. The...
The Country Land and Business Association (CLA) has called for the flooding fund to “open as soon as possible” as...
Global animal feed production remained steady in 2023 at 1.29 billion metric tonnes (BMT), a slight decrease of 2.6 million...
The Irish potato industry looks set to enter a new era of blight management as it approaches the 2024 growing...
Azole fungicides are becoming less effective in the fight against phoma leaf spot and stem canker in crops of oilseed...