The Department of Agriculture, Environment, and Rural Affairs (DAERA) has stated that the Beef Carbon Reduction (BCR) scheme had benefited approximately 8,000 eligible farm businesses with around £19.8 million in financial support in its first year.
Minister of Agriculture, Environment and Rural Affairs, Andrew Muir, highlighted the effectiveness of the scheme in reducing greenhouse gas emissions and improving productivity in its first year.
The minister said he was committed to investing in environmental farming practices and rewarding farmers for providing environmental benefits alongside food production.
BCR is an income support scheme to encourage beef farmers to reduce the slaughter age of cattle with the view to improving overall industry efficiency and to reduce its carbon footprint.
The scheme was designed to address the beef sector’s unique challenges, and focuses on increasing productivity and improving environmental sustainability.
BCR is being implemented over a four-year period and incentivises a progressive reduction in the age at slaughter each year.
In its first year in 2024, the maximum age at slaughter target was 30 months and in the second year of the scheme, it was reduced to 28 months for animals slaughtered during 2025.
The department said payments will continue to issue to remaining farm businesses upon the completion of validations.
Minister Muir stated: “I am glad to see 8,000 eligible farm businesses opting into the Beef Carbon Reduction scheme which is supporting both a reduction in greenhouse gas emissions and enhanced productivity.
“These payments demonstrate my commitment to supporting our farmers to enhance productivity whilst improving environmental sustainability in Northern Ireland.”
Registered online users of eligible farm businesses will receive their payment notification via DAERA messaging. Agents will receive the payment notification via DAERA message on behalf of the clients they opted in.
Payments are capped at a maximum of 352,000 animals in Northern Ireland per scheme year.