Richard Halleron

Richard Halleron Profile Picture

Richard Halleron is an agricultural chemist by background. He is a past chairman of the Northern Ireland Institute of Agricultural Science and has also served as Chairman of the Guild of Agricultural Journalists in Northern Ireland.

Cautious optimism for dairy prices moving forward
Cautious optimism for dairy prices moving forward

Global dairy commodity prices are expected to continue to rise in 2017 due to reduced milk supplies and improved import...

Proposed Dutch dairy cull could help to maintain EU milk prices
Proposed Dutch dairy cull could help to maintain EU milk prices

Farm lobby groups are putting pressure on the Dutch government to introduce a cow culling policy, which would see up...

First liquid nitrogen futures market launched
First liquid nitrogen futures market launched

Euronext, a European stock exchange based in the Netherlands, has confirmed the opening of, what it claims to be, the...

Call for tillage farmers to have the option of stacking entitlements
Call for tillage farmers to have the option of stacking entitlements

Grain growers who have lost land courtesy of leasing arrangements that have not been renewed should be allowed to stack...

‘Too many suckler calves are under fed and not reaching their growth potential’
‘Too many suckler calves are under fed and not reaching their growth potential’

The vast majority of suckler calves are not reaching their full growth potential, according to Harper Adams’ Beef Specialist Simon...

Dale Farm acts to significantly boost milk price
Dale Farm acts to significantly boost milk price

Dale Farm has announced a 2.5p/L (2.9c/L) increase to its base milk price, along with the 2p/L (2.32c/L) winter bonus...

How do you assess your grass covers?
How do you assess your grass covers?

Marking a scale of heights against cover values on a well-used pair of wellingtons is the easiest way to measure...

Vets on pneumonia red alert – ‘Farmers must reduce cattle stress levels’
Vets on pneumonia red alert – ‘Farmers must reduce cattle stress levels’

Farmers must do everything they can to reduce stress levels for young stock at housing, according to Galway Veterinarian Liam...

New Zealand earthquake could be a factor in tomorrow’s Global Dairy Trade
New Zealand earthquake could be a factor in tomorrow’s Global Dairy Trade

The recent earthquake in New Zealand could further upward pressure on the prices paid at tomorrow’s Global Dairy Trade (GDT)...

Carthy calls for CAP reform that puts farming families first
Carthy calls for CAP reform that puts farming families first

The EU must deliver a CAP reform package that better reflects the needs of family farms in Ireland, according to...

Canada’s dairy farmers to get over €230m to compensate for CETA
Canada’s dairy farmers to get over €230m to compensate for CETA

The Canadian government has announced an investment of $350m (€238m) for two new programmes to support the competitiveness of the country’s...

China’s dairy import figures grow by 20%
China’s dairy import figures grow by 20%

China imported nearly 20% more whole milk powder (WMP) in January-September this year than it did in 2015, totalling around...

UK cheese manufacturer offering 30p/L (33.5c/L) for February milk
UK cheese manufacturer offering 30p/L (33.5c/L) for February milk

Somerset-based cheese manufacturer AJ and RJ Barber has announced a 6p/L (6.7c/L) farmgate price increase to occur over the next...

Why should liquid milk producers be treated as a protected species?
Why should liquid milk producers be treated as a protected species?

Why should liquid milk producers be treated as a specialist stakeholder group within the dairy industry? Surely this approach to...

No change in long term dairy market fundamentals
No change in long term dairy market fundamentals

Milk prices may well strengthen up to the new year and then flatten out, according to Rabobank Dairy Analyst Matt...

EU milk producers will opt to ‘pay back debt’ rather than chase output
EU milk producers will opt to ‘pay back debt’ rather than chase output

Dairy farmers may well opt to pay back debt, rather than chase extra litres, on the back of the recent...

‘Milk prices could hit 32c/L by next spring’
‘Milk prices could hit 32c/L by next spring’

Irish farmgate milk prices could increase sequentially through to the end of March next year, according to IFA Dairy Committee...

Pre-grazing significantly boosts first cut silage quality
Pre-grazing significantly boosts first cut silage quality

Swards that were grazed prior to being closed off are producing silage of a significantly higher quality than those which...