Richard Halleron

Richard Halleron Profile Picture

Richard Halleron is an agricultural chemist by background. He is a past chairman of the Northern Ireland Institute of Agricultural Science and has also served as Chairman of the Guild of Agricultural Journalists in Northern Ireland.

UFU to ramp up the resource it throws at Brexit negotiations
UFU to ramp up the resource it throws at Brexit negotiations

The Ulster Farmers’ Union will draw up its Brexit policy shopping list over the coming weeks, according to the organisation’s...

Farmers in the North must assume the era of direct subsidies is ending
Farmers in the North must assume the era of direct subsidies is ending

Farmers in Northern Ireland will have to brace themselves for a change regarding the way subsidies are made available to...

‘Good soil management is key to securing optimal grassland yields’
‘Good soil management is key to securing optimal grassland yields’

Good soil management is the key to securing optimal grassland yields, according to Welsh agronomist Gareth Davies. Soil is made...

Farmers run into BVD testing problems in Northern Ireland
Farmers run into BVD testing problems in Northern Ireland

Farmers must check that they have paid the required level of postage on calf tissue samples sent for BVD testing,...

Beef conformation on the decline in Northern Ireland
Beef conformation on the decline in Northern Ireland

The conformation scores achieved by prime cattle kill during the final quarter of 2016 generally declined from the corresponding period...

No SMP sold at third tender event – offers below minimum price set
No SMP sold at third tender event – offers below minimum price set

Prices offered at the third skimmed milk powder (SMP) public intervention tender last week ranged from €155/100kg to €190/100kg. These were...

Underground North-South Interconnector ‘may be the cheapest option’
Underground North-South Interconnector ‘may be the cheapest option’

Members of the North East Pylon Group (NEPP) are claiming that it will be cheaper to put the North-South Interconnector...

Quintuplets born to Charollais ewe on Tyrone farm
Quintuplets born to Charollais ewe on Tyrone farm

This week saw a pedigree Charollais ewe give birth to quintuplets on the north Tyrone farm of the Foster family....

‘Election in the North will result in the drying up of funding streams for farming’
‘Election in the North will result in the drying up of funding streams for farming’

SDLP MLA Patsy McGlone believes the imminent collapse of the Stormont Executive and a subsequent election will result in the...

Cross compliance and farm safety should be formally linked
Cross compliance and farm safety should be formally linked

Both ICSA and ICMSA have taken a wholly unacceptable position, where farm safety is concerned. The past week has seen...

Why farmers should keep to a maximum speed of 10km/hr when spraying crops
Why farmers should keep to a maximum speed of 10km/hr when spraying crops

Keeping to a maximum speed of 10km/hr and maintaining a boom height of 50cm to 75cm when spraying crops was...

Brome grass becoming a ‘major grassland weed problem’ on tillage farms
Brome grass becoming a ‘major grassland weed problem’ on tillage farms

Brome grass, in all its manifestations, is becoming a major grassland weed problem on tillage farms throughout the island of...

Election uncertainty confronts agriculture in Northern Ireland
Election uncertainty confronts agriculture in Northern Ireland

Democratic Unionist Party (DUP) sources have confirmed that Northern Ireland’s Minister for Agriculture, Michelle McIlveen, will continue in office until...

‘CAP support changes post-Brexit will have major impact on North’s farming sectors’
‘CAP support changes post-Brexit will have major impact on North’s farming sectors’

Common Agricultural Policy (CAP) support changes post-Brexit will have a major impact on all the farming sectors in Northern Ireland,...

‘Selective dry cow therapy is the future for dairy’
‘Selective dry cow therapy is the future for dairy’

Selective dry cow therapy will be used as a key driver in bringing down the quantities of antibiotics used within...

Dairy cow numbers falling in Germany
Dairy cow numbers falling in Germany

Dairy cattle numbers in Germany are dropping, the Agriculture and Horticulture Development Board (AHDB) in the UK has reported. The...

If my livestock cause a road traffic accident: am I covered?
If my livestock cause a road traffic accident: am I covered?

Last Friday saw cattle breaking out onto the M3 close to Dunshaughlin in Co. Meath. A major road traffic accident...

‘No sale’ on latest skimmed milk powder (SMP) tender
‘No sale’ on latest skimmed milk powder (SMP) tender

EU Member States have agreed on not selling skimmed milk powder (SMP) out of public intervention this week. This decision...