Richard Halleron

Richard Halleron Profile Picture

Richard Halleron is an agricultural chemist by background. He is a past chairman of the Northern Ireland Institute of Agricultural Science and has also served as Chairman of the Guild of Agricultural Journalists in Northern Ireland.

Overall prices fall back by 1.2% at Fonterra auction
Overall prices fall back by 1.2% at Fonterra auction

This week’s Fonterra auction confirmed a 1.2 per cent decrease in the overall recorded price index. All the major dairy...

Arla – growing from strength to strength
Arla – growing from strength to strength

Courtesy of its annual results for 2013 Arla Foods has announced the highest performance price ever in the company’s history...

Giving calves the best possible start
Giving calves the best possible start

UK veterinarian Roger Blowey has told a group of farmers in Ballymena that newborn calves must receive high-quality colostrum, fed...

Superlevy fines of 28.66c per litre over quota warning from Lakeland Dairies
Superlevy fines of 28.66c per litre over quota warning from Lakeland Dairies

Superlevy fines of 28.66c per litre over quota are now inevitable for suppliers to Lakeland Dairies. This is according to the...

‘Chinese whispers’ – the phrase of the day for Ireland’s dairy sector
‘Chinese whispers’ – the phrase of the day for Ireland’s dairy sector

The rumour mill is rife that a delegation from one of China’s largest food companies has recently visited – or...

Ever-growing demand for Irish dairy breeding stock in the UK
Ever-growing demand for Irish dairy breeding stock in the UK

Cork-based Grasstec is confirming a significant growth in demand for Irish bred dairy cows and heifers from its fast-evolving farmer-client...

O’Neill comes under pressure to reveal her CAP Reform plans
O’Neill comes under pressure to reveal her CAP Reform plans

The North’s Agriculture Committee Chairman Paul Frew has told AgriLand that Farm Minister Michelle O’Neill must come out with her...

Strengthening cheese market in the UK
Strengthening cheese market in the UK

The latest DairyCo figures confirm that those Irish companies exporting cheese on to the UK market have backed a winner,...

Fury at ‘residency’ penalties on Northern cattle
Fury at ‘residency’ penalties on Northern cattle

Hampton Hewitt, owner of Markethill Livestock Mart in Co Armagh, has indicated to AgriLand that the decision taken by the...

The dairy show season is just around the corner
The dairy show season is just around the corner

All the signs are that the IHFA, Irish Holstein Friesian Breeders Association, will push ahead with a major Spring Show...

It could be mid-March before farmers get a chance to spread fertiliser
It could be mid-March before farmers get a chance to spread fertiliser

Sources within the fertiliser industry have told AgriLand that large volumes of product are now being moved on to merchants’...

Providing dairy cows with a healthy environment
Providing dairy cows with a healthy environment

A leading UK veterinarian has told AgriLand that a commitment to improving cow welfare must be a key priority for...

It’s time the supermarkets were brought to book
It’s time the supermarkets were brought to book

COMMENT: It’s time the supermarkets were brought to book when it comes to their buying policies towards Irish livestock farmers....

Upping dairy cow numbers isn’t the only game in town post 2015
Upping dairy cow numbers isn’t the only game in town post 2015

According to one Co Limerick dairy farmer, increasing cow numbers is not the only way for Ireland, as the country...

O’ Neill confirms her commitment to agri-food policies
O’ Neill confirms her commitment to agri-food policies

Speaking at the Sinn Féin Ard Fheis last weekend, the North’s Agriculture Minister Michelle O’Neill confirmed her ongoing commitment to...

The UK beef market – an EBLEX perspective
The UK beef market – an EBLEX perspective

EBLEX analyst Debbie Butcher has told AgriLand that a combination of increased supply and a lower demand for beef is...

Strathroy remains confident of establishing Wexford producer base
Strathroy remains confident of establishing Wexford producer base

Strathroy Dairy’s director Cormac Cunningham has confirmed to AgriLand that approximately 40 Wexford Creamery’s producers may well opt to start...

Your last opportunity to take in a Focus Farm visit!
Your last opportunity to take in a Focus Farm visit!

Northern Ireland’s Focus Farms Programme will end on 31 March this year. On the basis of all objective criteria it has...