Michael Geary

Michael Geary Profile Picture

Michael comes from a beef background in Co. Galway with a keen interest in the beef and sheep sectors. He recently graduated from UCD with a degree in Animal Science and was the auditor of the UCD Agriculture Society in 2018/2019 where €65,000 was raised for charity. He has gained valuable experience across the agriculture industry, working on progressive sheep and beef farms whilst also working on a large-scale dairy farm in the US.

Northern sheep trade: Spring lamb prices strengthen
Northern sheep trade: Spring lamb prices strengthen

A strengthening of the sheep trade in the south was also seen up in the North this week, with spring...

Tight hogget supplies and poor grass growth sees UK sheep kill fall in April
Tight hogget supplies and poor grass growth sees UK sheep kill fall in April

In the UK, a similar trend to the Republic of Ireland is being seen, with the UK sheep production for...

Buildings Focus: A brand new slatted unit for a 300-ewe flock in Co. Tyrone
Buildings Focus: A brand new slatted unit for a 300-ewe flock in Co. Tyrone

In this week’s Buildings Focus, AgriLand made the trip to just outside Dungannon in Co. Tyrone to see a brand new...

Time to assess your ewes’ BCS now
Time to assess your ewes’ BCS now

Even though the breeding season won’t be kicking off on many sheep farms until October/November, preparations must begin now for...

Don’t take the risk; quarantine newly-purchased sheep
Don’t take the risk; quarantine newly-purchased sheep

Sheep farmers up and down the country over the past few weeks have been very active across marts. This is...

Milk recording should be on the to-do list over the coming weeks
Milk recording should be on the to-do list over the coming weeks

Covid-19 has disrupted pretty much everything you could think of – including farmers’ ability to get their cows milk recorded....

Thinking about making third-cut silage? Here’s a few things to keep in mind…
Thinking about making third-cut silage? Here’s a few things to keep in mind…

A lot of second-cut silage has been saved across farms over the last few weeks, as the mixture of warm...

Sheep management: Selecting replacement ewe lambs and culling ‘problem ewes’
Sheep management: Selecting replacement ewe lambs and culling ‘problem ewes’

Since the beginning of June, depending on when the lambing season kicked off, weaning will have or will be taking...

How to deal with lameness issues before it becomes a serious problem
How to deal with lameness issues before it becomes a serious problem

Lameness is a serious welfare issue affecting almost every dairy farm in the country. Lameness issues tend to be more...

Time to look back on the lambing season…while it’s still fresh in the memory
Time to look back on the lambing season…while it’s still fresh in the memory

As the dust settles on the lambing season, now is a good time while it is fresh in the memory...

Sheep management: How can I improve grass utilisation on my farm?
Sheep management: How can I improve grass utilisation on my farm?

Over the next few weeks, it is important that sheep farmers make the most of the grass supplies that are...

What are my options when it comes to heat detection?
What are my options when it comes to heat detection?

Preparations for the breeding season are more than likely underway on many dairy farms across the country. Over the coming...

The ins and outs of artificially rearing surplus lambs
The ins and outs of artificially rearing surplus lambs

Before the lambing season kicked off, farmers should have set up a designated area for pet/surplus lambs to be reared...

The ins and outs of artificially rearing surplus lambs
The ins and outs of artificially rearing surplus lambs

Before the lambing season kicked off, farmers should have set up a designated area for pet/surplus lambs to be reared...

Dairy focus: Milking 300 Jersey-cross cows on a grass-based system in the US
Dairy focus: Milking 300 Jersey-cross cows on a grass-based system in the US

In this week’s dairy focus, AgriLand caught up with Bernard Ryan from Tipperary, who is working on a grass-based dairy...

What can I do to avoid lambs getting navel/joint ill?
What can I do to avoid lambs getting navel/joint ill?

Every year, farmers come across a range of different problems at lambing time, with one of the common issues being...

The importance of getting ventilation right this spring
The importance of getting ventilation right this spring

With the lambing and calving season underway, it is important farmers keep in mind the importance of good ventilation in...

Sheep focus: Reducing costs, mortality rates and lameness through outdoor lambing
Sheep focus: Reducing costs, mortality rates and lameness through outdoor lambing

On Wednesday, February 19, AgriLand paid a visit to James Lorinyenko – who is a pedigree Cheviot breeder – just...