The upcoming World Agri-Tech Innovation Summit has revealed its line-up of international entrepreneurs selected to showcase their new technologies and breakthrough innovations.
The event which takes place in London, October 16-17, will see 13 agri-tech innovators compete for a chance to pitch in the acclaimed Technology Showcase to the summit audience of over 400 global agri-business leaders.
Only 10 of the 13 semi-finalists will be given the opportunity to pitch their ideas to the global business leaders.
Among the 13 chosen semi-finalists are representatives from the USA, France, Norway, Russia and the UK, with Norway topping the toll at five.
The UK contender
Belgium, Russia and the UK are tied with one representative each among the 13 semi-finalists.
Chalante, the UK contender, is an animal health biotech company developing proprietary resistance-breaking parasiticides for pets and livestock.
Its parasiticides are nature-inspired molecules that have a defined mode of action distinct from other products on the market.
According to Chalante representatives, overcoming resistance to established products is a significant and growing opportunity in the prevention of dog heartworm and treatment of internal parasites of cattle.
Leading agri-tech innovators
The event will showcase the very best agri-tech innovations across all areas of the industry including seed treatments, virtual fencing and pesticide-free farming.
The USA contenders are sure to capture the visitors’ attention with their innovators, some of which include:
- Ceres Wave – which uses water technology to create a dry seed treatment that increases seed health to improve yields without using chemicals, heat, radiation or genetic modification;
- Pheronym – enables pesticide-free farming with a bio-remediation process which uses pheromones to control plant-parasitic nematodes in an eco-friendly way.
Not to be out-done by the Americans, the French agri-innovation sector has put its best foot forward at this year’s event.
Two of the semi-finalist include:
- Hi-Phen – a unique sensor systems, with a cloud-based data-fusion platform and a customised digital observation system developed for crop observation;
- Micropep Technologies – a new generation of crop stimulation and protection solutions based on natural peptides to regulate plant gene expression.
Leading the way in the agri-tech world are the ‘trailblazing’Â Norwegian entrepreneurs with innovations such as weed killing machines, virtual fencing and home-made fertiliser:
- N2 Applied – aims to improve global food production by enabling farmers to produce their own fertiliser from manure, air and renewable energy;
- Nofence – the world’s first system for virtual fencing for grazing animals, allowing farms to control their grazing platform without manual fencing;
- Soil Steam International – a machine that kills weed, fungus and harmful pathogens in the soil by using steam.
More Information
The Summit international conference is a networking and deal-making event for agri-businesses, solution providers, entrepreneurs and investors.
The TechHub is the dedicated space for start-ups within the exhibition and networking area.
Full information on the summit, agenda, opportunities and delegate registration Click here