Lamb prices are up £34.50 on a 21kg carcass compared to the same period in 2020, according to the Livestock and Meat Commission (LMC).
Recent downward pressure on lamb prices in Northern Ireland (NI) has put a dampener on the trade.
However, despite this easing in prices, lamb prices in NI continue to perform better than what has been seen in previous years.
Taking for example the deadweight lamb price in NI for the week ending June 25, it was 82.4p/kg stronger than that of the same week last year.
This equates to a £17.30 difference on a 21kg lamb carcass, according to the LMC.
The Eid al-Adha festival from July 9, will be less impacted by Covid-19 restrictions this year and has helped to boost the sheepmeat trade in the past few weeks, the LMC added.
Meanwhile, the lamb price for the week ending June 25, is 164.2p/kg above the same price in 2020. This equates to a £34.50 on a 21kg lamb carcass.

the corresponding weeks in 2021 and 2020. Source: DAERA and the LMC
Following seasonal trends, lamb throughput in meat processing plants has continued to increase in recent weeks and this is now beginning, as seen last week, to put some downward pressure on prices.
This has seen base prices for lamb this week fall back to 595-600p/kg. However, time will tell if prices will see an improvement like down south, where lamb prices increased by 10c/kg in the lead up to the Eid al-Adha festival this week.