The start of February has been cold, but relatively dry, allowing many farmers to get cows out for grazing this spring.
While heavier ground will still bear the effects of heavy rain from a couple of weeks ago, in most cases, drier ground is accessible and should allow for grazing to commence with little poaching.
Spring grazing can be frustrating, as each day can pose different challenges. This can include poor grazing conditions, poor growth, or difficulties in managing your spring grazing planner.
There is no doubt that more work is required to get the cows out early, but the benefits of taking each good day to let them grazing for a few hours can be seen through your milk receipts.
A spring grass diet with concentrates is worth an extra €3.67/cow when compared to a diet of silage and concentrates during the same period.
While it may seem like more work initially, the upside of grabbing a few hours of grazing in drier areas of the farm can be hugely beneficial for milk production and, in particular, protein in spring.
Early spring grass measuring walks indicate that growth rates over the winter were not too bad considering the heavy freeze and snow experienced at the start of January.
On-off grazing can be hugely beneficial for farmers at this time of year. This is when cows are let out for up to three hours to graze, before being housed again.
It allows the cows to graze, but also helps to prevent them from causing damage to the land.
Farmers should avoid turning cows out onto heavy covers and, instead, start with lighter covers until a significant number of cows have calved.
In the autumn, farmers generally close paddocks in a particular order to signal which paddocks were to be grazed early this year.
Before farmers consult the guideline they made in the autumn, they should complete a grass walk to determine the growth over the winter months, as this could change the order that paddocks are grazed.
Cows may have to be housed again if the weather turns poor, which is not as disastrous as you might think, as the aim should be to maximise the amount of days at grass without doing any damage to paddocks.
For freshly calved cows, they will require 13kg of dry matter (DM), including forage and concentrates and, each week, the DM intake of the cow will increase by 0.8kg until they reach their maximum intake around 10 weeks post-calving.
Allocation is crucial in early lactation and spring grazing as farmers need to ensure that the cows are given enough feed to ensure that negative energy balance (NEB) is not prolonged as it will lead to ketosis.
Silage and concentrates in the diet in early lactation are vital to give the cows gut fill and prevent them from being underfed.
Measures may have to be taken in order to prevent damage to paddocks and around gap-ways and access points.
The use of back fences and spur roadways in early spring can prove useful as they can prevent land from becoming damaged in heavily-trafficked areas.
Many farmers don’t like the idea of using spur roadways, as you sacrifice one strip of the field to bad damage in order to save the rest of the paddock.
Spur roadways are usually set up along the fence-line of the paddock and leads to the other side of the paddock, which can then be grazed.
They can also be used in paddocks where farmers want to graze the back of the paddock first, and work their way to the front.
A back fence is simply putting up a temporary fence where the cows have already grazed to prevent the cows from damaging the area any further.