The Agriculture and Horticulture Development Board (AHDB) is currently seeking applications for two new members to join its main board, with effect from April 1, 2018.
The roles include:
- A person with expertise in the UK horticulture industry, who – in addition to their corporate board role – will chair AHDB’s Horticulture Sector Board;
- And an independent member with an understanding of agricultural science to help inform the board’s decisions on research and knowledge exchange.
The process
The appointments will be made jointly by ministers in the Department for Environment, Food and Rural Affairs (Defra), the Scottish Government, the Welsh Government and the Department of Agriculture, Environment and Rural Affairs (DAERA) in Northern Ireland.
Candidates are required to declare conflicts of interest and political activity as part of the application process.
The successful candidates will replace Gary Taylor, the horticulture chairman, who will step down six months before completing his second term in office due to other professional commitments; and Prof. Ian Crute, an independent member with agricultural scientific expertise, who finishes his second term on March 30, 2018.
Interviews are expected to take place during week commencing March 12, 2018.
AHDB chairman Peter Kendall said: “I thank Gary and Ian profusely for the expertise and drive they brought to the board.
“Gary has helped deliver a refresh of AHDB’s horticulture strategy, setting out a step change in what we will deliver for that sector.
“Ian spent five years as AHDB’s chief scientist, and a further four on the board helping to shape our decisions on research and knowledge exchange.
“He shares my passion and belief that AHDB makes an essential contribution to ensuring we have an innovative and competitive food and farming industry in the UK. I look forward to finding ways to collaborate with him in the future.”
How to apply
The two board vacancies occur at a significant and challenging time for the AHDB, as it looks to respond to the Brexit challenges facing the farming and food sectors over the coming decade.
Kendall added: “We are seeking people who have vision, passion and ambition for the AHDB and what we can deliver for UK agriculture in these uncertain times.”
To discuss the positions available please contact Rebecca Geraghty, AHDB chief HR officer, on: 024-7647-8710 or email: [email protected].