ABP Food Group has confirmed that all main operations on its ABP Linden Dungannon facility are “unaffected” despite a review of its night shift operations at the site.
The group said it has “entered into a formal consultation process with a number of employees based at its ABP Linden Dungannon facility on changes to its night shift”.
“The company will continue to receive and process cattle at the site and all main operations on the site are unaffected,” ABP stated.
According to a spokesperson the consultation process with “will seek to discuss ways to minimise any compulsory redundancies of the affected colleagues”.
The spokesperson added : This will include careful consideration of redeployment opportunities.
“We are offering support to all individuals potentially affected whilst working with our colleagues and employee representatives to seek to minimise the impact.
“No final decisions will be taken until the consultation period is concluded”.
ABP Food Group, which is privately owned, is one of Europe’s largest food processors, and works with a network of over 45,000 farmers.
The group has highlighted that it recognies that the farmers who supply meat to ABP are “vital partners in ensuring that the quality of our product is maintained and traceability is ensured”.
Last year it was awarded platinum in the 2024 Northern Ireland Environmental Benchmarking Survey.
George Mullan, managing director of ABP in Northern Ireland, said that as an agri-food business it is “working hard with our farmer suppliers on Scope 3 emissions“.
In 2022 ABP launched a £1.5 million data-driven initiative to improve the sustainability of red meat within the decade.
Its PRISM 2030 initiative involves supporting around 350 beef and sheep farmers in the UK to become “the global leaders in sustainable meat production – with lower emissions, lower costs, and improved productivity.”
According to Mullan participating farmers receive analysis to implement best-practice recommendations and expert advice to improve efficiencies and drive down emissions.
“Learnings are then shared across the supplier base and the wider industry,” he said.