UK Dairy Day 2024 organisers have unveiled the judges for its Dairy Shorthorn, Guernsey and Jersey classes in the cattle shows.

Paul Harrison will be the Dairy Shorthorn judge, Ian Collins will be the Guernsey judge and Willie Taylor will be the Jersey class judge.

UK Dairy Day 2024, which will be the event’s 10th anniversary, will take place on Wednesday, September 11, at the International Centre in Telford.

Alongside the coloured breed classes, UK Dairy Day will host the National Shows for Brown Swiss, Ayrshire and Holstein.

The Judges for these classes were announced earlier in the year as Marcel Egli for Holstein, Ian Collins for Ayrshire and Blaise Tomlinson for Brown Swiss.

The booking of cattle stalls at UK Dairy Day will be available from July with a closing date of Friday, August 2, 2024.

Paul Harrison

Dairy Shorthorn judge Harrison is a second-generation dairy farmer in Northumberland. He farms in partnership with his wife Ann.

Paul Harrison

Their milking herd consists of 80 cows, 30 pedigree Dairy Shorthorns and 50 pedigree Holsteins, calving all year round.

The Breckney Shorthorn herd was established in 1989 by the Harrisons when they purchased a maiden heifer Winbrook herd.

The Holstein herd was established in 1958 by Paul Harrison’s parents.

Harrison has shown and judged dairy cattle for over 40 years. He was first a member of the Holstein Friesian judges panel then a member of the new Holstein Society Judges and the Dairy Shorthorn panel.

Over the years Harrison has judged numerous shows, herd competitions and stock judging competitions.

His highlights include judging the Interbreed Group of Five Animals at the English Royal Show, along with the Dairy Shorthorn calves and showmanship classes at the National All Breeds calf shows and visiting Australia twice to judge the Illawarra classes.

Ian Collins

Ian Collins

Guernsey judge Collins judges the National Show for Ayrshire as well as the Guernsey classes.

He is the owner and breeder of the Churchroyd herd after farming in partnership with his late parents.

He has been involved with the Ayrshire Society since he was 10-years-old where he competed in the young members competitions at the Royal Show.

He is an experienced judge, being on several breed panels, UK Dairy Day said.

Willie Taylor

Jersey class judge Taylor farms in the Eden Valley just on the edge of the Pennines at 750ft above sea level.

Willie Taylor

He runs the Jaytee Jersey herd alongside Harras Holsteins on the 250ac farm with his nephew. 200 hogs are also lambed to sell with lambs at foot.

Taylor has judged many shows up and down the country from Cumbria to Somerset in the last 25 years.

He is a past chair of the Lakes Jersey Club and a member of the Border and Lakeland Holstein Club.